
Benefit of Attendance Taking to schools

Attendance taking benefits in schools is a very crucial part of running a school actively and must not be sidelined. It is a time taking exercise, especially if you have a large number of students in your class. That is why we have to devise a simple and faster way of making things easy.

Why do schools take attendance?

Attendance taking helps you as a teacher know the number of students that come to school regularly. It also helps determine the average percentage of students  present or absent. If students attendance rate is low, schools may likely face the challenge of getting students to come to school.

Attendance rate can determine the success of a student especially in their academic success. Through attendance taking, teachers can determine the level of academic performance of a student, how frequent they attend school and also work on helping them improve in their studies. Students who don’t attend school regularly are more likely to have academic setbacks.

 Did you know that?

Ways schools can can benefit from taking attendance

Ways parents can help improve attendance

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